What Customers Really Think About You

Customer Service Skills

Even if you’re the type of person who doesn’t really care what others think, in the world of customer service you should consider what your customers think about you.

That doesn’t mean to say that you should take it personally; it’s just that what they think of you could be a reflection of what they think of you as professional or the company you’re working for.

After all, to the customer, you represent the company.

Unfortunately, the truth behind mind-reading is highly contested. So instead of resorting to supernatural means, read the list below to find out what customers may think of you.

Your Customers Think You're Nice

If this is how your customers picture you, that’s good, because this is how it should be.

To be nice is to be approachable, and to be approachable is always the first thing you should keep in mind. After all, no matter how good you are at your job, it wouldn’t matter if customers are too intimidated to talk to you and ask you for assistance.

So put a smile on your face and speak in a moderated and either a happy or concerned tone - as this is an important step to increasing customer satisfaction.

Your Customers Think You’re Unpleasant

You probably wouldn't be happy as a customer if the person serving you wasn't happy.

Maybe they either dislike or are disinterested in their job, or maybe they don’t like you due to a personal bias. Whatever the reason, it doesn’t matter; what does matter is that they are unpleasant, and therefore unprofessional. You don’t want your customers to think of you the same way, right? Of course not, so turn that frown upside down and add more life and emotion to the way you speak, even when you’re not feeling it.

If you do, customers will find you pleasing, and that's going to make you feel good and probably help with sales.

Your Customers Think You're Knowledgeable

Being nice is mostly a good thing, but most of the time it’s not enough.

After being able to show that you are approachable and concerned, you need to be able to show that you know the products or services you offer and how they either work or are accomplished. It’s not enough that you just have an idea of this - you need to know the details like the back of your hand. For example, imagine your job is to promote the HTML5 conversion services a particular company is offering. Expectedly, people will be asking you what the service is all about. If you can provide the correct answer for every question they throw your way, then they will not only be impressed, but also convinced of its importance.

That just goes to show that knowledge is indeed power - the power to educate and influence others.

Your Customers Think You’re Clueless

If there are people in the customer service industry who are well-versed with the things the company brings, then there are also those who are at the opposite of the spectrum.

Most of them aren’t really incompetent to the point of being unable to do and answer anything, but they are the ones who have no idea about less common aspects of the product or service. In fact, these people have been questioned by either the higher-ups or even worse, the customers, on their lack of knowledge with what they’re doing or offering. Don’t be a part of their ranks since nobody thinks highly of them. And if you think you already are, then it’s not yet too late to brush up on the essentials.

Your Customers Think You’re Confident

So you know the things you need to know and do by heart and mind. That’s good, but it shouldn’t end there - you also need to have excellent interpersonal skills.

Speak clearly at just the right speed, loudness, and tone, and rest assured that customers will believe you. This is because people assume that those who talk in such a manner are sure of themselves. That confidence and conviction is what leads people to think that what the speaker is saying is true. If you can accomplish this, then you can gain the customer’s trust and support.

Your Customers Think You’re Uncertain

Customers don’t know how much you know about the product; they just make a good guess of it through the way you speak and act.

Therefore, even if you have successfully memorised every part of your duties and the product or service you are assisting the customer with, if you are vague or unconfident in your presentation, they will think that you are unsure of what you’re talking about and/or doing. Once they have this mindset, they will find it hard to trust you. This may be an incorrect assumption, but it’s not exactly unfounded. After all, it’s human nature to correlate certainty to correctness; I’m sure you do too.

Your Customers Think You’re Nothing Special

You were able to help a customer - good job. Unfortunately, once the customer has put down the phone or walked out of the establishment, they only remember what you’ve done for them and not you in person.

Don’t be too hard on yourself; it happens a lot. And it shouldn’t matter if the customer thinks this way because you did your job well. However, if you want to score better on that survey or just want to become exceptional, then you had better improve the way you act and talk.

Your Customers Think Your Service was Poor

Once your interaction with the customer is complete, you do not wish to be the subject of a customer complaint.

Whether you frowned, talked in an improper manner, or committed one mistake too many, you’ll be painted in a negative light in the customer’s mind. If they’re very frustrated, they’ll tell their friends and family about you. And it’s not just going to be you, but also the company you work for and therefore represent. You don’t want that, so you had better improve your service next time.

Your Customers Think You’re Exceptional

You are pleasant, polite, empathic, knowledgeable, confident, and efficient - everything a customer is looking for in personnel in the customer service industry.

Because of the superb service you render, people will be singing your praises, as well as those of your company. Don’t slacken off now; keep it up - this is how you always want to be thought of.

Introduction to Communication Skills - The Skills You Need Guide to Interpersonal Skills

Further Reading from Skills You Need

Our Communication Skills eBooks

Learn more about the key communication skills you need to be a more effective communicator.

Our eBooks are ideal for anyone who wants to learn about or develop their interpersonal skills and are full of easy-to-follow, practical information.

Customer service is a very worthwhile and rewarding experience. However, it does get difficult from time to time. When it does, just think of what the customer will think, and you’ll find it easy to do the right thing.

About the Author

Mishka Tolentino is a business student at University of Westminster. She is a freelance writer, web enthusiast and social advocate. She spends her free time listening to classical music and taking creative snapshots.