Why Is Emotional Intelligence Important?
10 Reasons Why

See also: Understanding Other People

Emotional intelligence is an important skill to have in any situation and is not just for those in leadership positions. In this post, we talk about why emotional intelligence is important. Emotional intelligence (EI) allows us to better understand our emotions and reactions, as well as the emotions of others, allowing us to respond in a way that is both kind and effective.

With a heightened ability to recognize, understand, and manage our own emotions and those of others, we can build stronger relationships and foster a more harmonious environment in any situation.

Improving emotional intelligence can be done through self-reflection, building self-awareness and empathy, and engaging in healthy communication. Everyone can benefit from increased emotional intelligence, so it is something worth striving for and developing.

Now, let’s dive into the 10 reasons why emotional intelligence is important!

1: You Can't Lead Without Emotional Intelligence

Leadership requires more than just technical skills and knowledge of a particular industry: it requires the ability to understand and manage emotions. Emotional intelligence is key for leaders to be successful, as it helps them to influence and motivate others.

The ability to understand the emotions of others, recognize their own emotions, and use this knowledge effectively to achieve goals is invaluable in any leadership role. With emotional intelligence, leaders have the tools to foster collaboration and trust amongst their teams and drive positive change within their organizations.

2: High Emotional Intelligence Leaders Are More Effective

It is becoming increasingly clear that leaders with high levels of emotional intelligence are more successful in their roles. Emotional intelligence involves recognizing and managing emotions, both in oneself and in others, which is essential for successful communication and collaboration. Leaders with high emotional intelligence are often better at problem-solving, motivating their team, and understanding the needs of their colleagues. This makes them more effective in their roles and better able to lead a team to success.

3: People with Higher Levels of Emotional Intelligence Are Happier and Healthier

People with higher levels of emotional intelligence are proven to have higher levels of happiness and better overall health than those with lower levels. Studies have shown that people with higher emotional intelligence are better at recognizing and understanding their own emotions, as well as the emotions of others. This allows them to effectively manage their own emotions and build healthier, more meaningful relationships. With improved emotional intelligence, people can find greater peace and contentment in their lives, as well as improved mental and physical well-being.

4: Emotional Intelligence Helps You in Workplace Relationships

Are you still wondering, “Why is emotional intelligence important?” Well, for one, having strong emotional intelligence is vital to successful workplace relationships. It allows you to recognize and understand the feelings of others, while also helping you to communicate more effectively. It also allows you to read the emotions of other people and respond in an appropriate manner.

Furthermore, strong emotional intelligence helps you to better manage stress and conflict in the workplace, as well as foster a healthy, productive working relationship with your colleagues. Ultimately, having a high level of emotional intelligence can help any individual better navigate their professional relationships.

5: Improve Your Self-Confidence with Training or Therapy

Developing emotional intelligence is a great way to boost your self-confidence. Through training or therapy, you can learn to understand and manage your emotions more effectively. This will help you build healthier relationships with yourself and others, as well as recognize and express appropriate responses to different situations. With emotional intelligence, you can become more self-aware and better understand how your emotions affect your behavior. As a result, you can boost your self-confidence by improving your emotional intelligence.

6: EQ is Key for Great Collaboration with Colleagues

Having emotional intelligence is essential for successful collaboration with colleagues. It helps people to recognize, understand and manage their own emotions, as well as those of others so that everyone can work together and strive for common goals. Furthermore, emotional intelligence helps people to build strong relationships with their colleagues, creating a positive, productive work environment. With emotional intelligence, people are able to effectively communicate, speaking clearly on ideas, working together and lead each other in a respectful way. This is why emotional intelligence is key to a great collaboration with colleagues.

7: Use Your Emotions to Help You Make Better Decisions

When thinking about the question, “why is emotional intelligence important?” One major factor is that emotional intelligence can be a tool for making better decisions. It allows us to recognize and understand our emotions, enabling us to make decisions based on our feelings as well as our reason. This helps us to better understand ourselves and the world around us and gives us the ability to make decisions that take into account our emotional needs.

With emotional intelligence, we can use our emotions to help us make more informed, thoughtful decisions. By understanding the power of our emotions and using them to guide our decision-making process, we can make smarter choices that benefit not just ourselves but also those around us.

8. You’ll Be More Self-Aware of How You’re Feeling

Emotional intelligence is an important life skill that can help you better understand yourself, how you're feeling, and how to effectively manage your emotions. By becoming more self-aware of your emotions, you can better control your reactions and responses to situations. This awareness can lead to a more positive outlook on life, improved relationships with others, and improved performance in the workplace.

With emotional intelligence, you'll be able to recognize your emotions and use that knowledge to better manage them in order to achieve a more balanced life.

9. You Can Adjust to Change Easily with High EQ

Having a high emotional intelligence allows you to adjust to change more easily. This is because you are able to better recognize and manage your own emotions, as well as the emotions of others. You can use this skill to quickly adjust and adapt to changing conditions in any situation. Having the ability to recognize and respond appropriately to emotions in yourself and others helps you make decisions based on sound logic rather than impulse. This makes it easier to navigate difficult situations or changes in such a way that will benefit everyone involved.

10. Empathy Is a Skill for Work and Your Personal Life

Empathy is a key component of emotional intelligence and is an invaluable skill for both personal and professional life. Companies are now looking for employees who possess empathy as it allows them to better understand customers, team members, and make decisions that can benefit the company.

Lastly, outside of work, people with a high level of empathy are able to build better relationships with their friends, family, and partners as they are able to understand the feelings of others and make decisions based on those feelings. This is another major factor in understanding why emotional intelligence is important. Emotional intelligence is an essential skill to have in life and being empathetic is a great way to start developing these skills.

Understanding and Developing Emotional Intelligence

Further Reading from Skills You Need

Understanding and Developing Emotional Intelligence

Learn more about emotional intelligence and how to effectively manage personal relationships at home, at work and socially.

Our eBooks are ideal for anyone who wants to learn about or develop their interpersonal skills and are full of easy-to-follow, practical information.


Learning to recognize, regulate, and express healthy emotions is a critical life skill that everyone can benefit from. Having a higher emotional intelligence can help you gain a better understanding of yourself, as well as others. This can lead to improved relationships and better communication skills, which can result in more positive outcomes in all areas of life.

Furthermore, having a higher emotional intelligence can aid in managing stress and make it easier to handle tough situations. All in all, by understanding how emotions work you can take control of your life and be happier and healthier.

About the Author

Steve Anthony is the creator of Loopward.com, a source to help people improve their conversation skills and understand how to approach social situations. He’s an entrepreneur, a world traveler, and enjoys a good conversation over coffee.