8 Life Skills that Science Teaches Children

See also: Learning Skills

The one thing that unifies all parents is that they always want what is best for their kids.

Even the stingiest, most authoritative parents who might not always show their affection are constantly working behind the scenes to provide their child the best imaginable future.

But when it comes to what academic path a child should take, many parents can feel lost or uncertain as to the best course.

Advice can often come from many different sources, with conflicting messages and ulterior motives. It can be difficult to face those tough decisions about how a child’s education should progress.

Well we’ve done the research and one of our primary conclusions is that science education is one of the most important things to include in a child’s education.

Below we’ve compiled an infographic that lists eight reasons why kids should science more. But first, there’s two things you should know about science.

1. Science Is a Verb

Many people who don’t utilize science for their profession, or had a bad experience studying it in school, can walk away from science with the unfair impression that it is simply a collection of facts and figures that must be memorized. But in reality, nothing could be farther from the truth.

If science was just a static collection of facts and figures, then we would all still believe that the earth is flat, that it sits at the center of the universe, and that the stars are just little windows into the great hellfire that lies beyond. One of the most important things to understand about science is that it is constantly undergoing a process of self-questioning and self-renovation; always seeking to find what is wrong or outdated and integrate it with new findings.

This is why we say that kids should science more, rather than saying that kids should study more science. The two are not the same thing. Science is not a passive process of receiving someone else’s accumulation of facts. Science is a method for seeking the truth, despite ever-changing and ever-evolving paradigms and beliefs. It is a hunger and curiosity that drives individuals to subject their world to rigorous questioning, and determine the structures that lie underneath.

2. Science Opens Doors

The last thing you need to understand about science before you check out the eight reasons why kids should science more is that studying science doesn’t limit the opportunities life offers, science expands them.

Another misconception that scientists are constantly fighting against is the idea that all people who take science classes in school wear white lab coats and goggles and spend their days pouring colorful liquids from one glass beaker into another. In reality, scientists come in all shapes and sizes, and use their science training for a vast number of different professions.

So when we list the following eight reasons for why kids should science more, you know that we’re not talking about just the traditional image of the laboratory researcher. We’re talking about a whole range of individuals trained in the same method of reasoning.

Created by psychology and science website psysci here are eight reasons why kids should science more:

8 Reasons Why Kids Should Science More.

The Skills You Need Guide to Personal Development

Further Reading from Skills You Need

The Skills You Need Guide to Personal Development

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About the Author

Marcus regularly blogs at psysci.co, a psychology, science and health blog that examines the latest research and explains how findings can impact and help individuals’ everyday lives.