Skills Your School Should
be Teaching Your Children

See also: Teaching Skills

When you were young, you probably remember at least one life skill your parents taught you. For some, it may have been learning how to sew, while others learned how to change a flat tire. Even if you didn't need to use them, you still remember how important your parents said it was to at least know how to take care of yourself.

As a parent yourself, or someone who plans on having children in the future, you might already have an idea of what skills you think are necessary to teach your children.

But with so many technological changes and people living different than they did even 10 years ago, what you initially thought was a necessity might not be as essential as you think. Your job as a parent to help your children become well-rounded, responsible adults who can take care of themselves. That's why you need to help them master the following life skills to make growing up just a little easier.

Financial Planning

If there's one thing every person needs to master, it's financial planning. Learning how to manage money at a young age lays the groundwork for your kids to become financially savvy adults.

Say your son or daughter decides they want to open their own business after they graduate from college. So, they choose a niche they're passionate about, validate their idea, and look to small business loans to gain the funding they need. Because you taught them how to manage money the right way, they're able to use the funding to get their business off the ground while simultaneously paying it back without penalty.

While this might sound easy enough to do, a lot of people don't know the right way to manage large sums of money. That's why you need to start teaching your children as soon as you see fit. It can start with earning an allowance, so they can pay for things they want. As they get older, you can touch upon more advanced money matters including opening bank accounts, learning about debt-to-income ratio and how to use credit responsibly.

How to Cook

Your children should also know how to cook for themselves. You'd be surprised how many Millennials really don't know how to cook anything except pasta. You should be cooking with your children from an early age and by the time your kids are teenagers, they should know to how to prepare healthy meals that they can build upon. While they don't need to become masters in the kitchen, they do need to become self-sufficient when it comes to meal prep.

Washing Clothes

Another must-have skill kids need to learn is how to do their laundry. As funny as it sounds, most kids love helping with laundry until they become a teen. It's at that point that most decide that washing clothes is no longer fun and see it as an annoying chore. As true as that might be, they still need to know how to wash their clothes without ruining them. All fabrics are not the same, so show them the right way to wash and dry different types of fabric. Over time, they might even start to enjoy doing laundry again.

Waking Up on Their Own

By the time your children are pre-teens, they should be able to set an alarm and get themselves ready for school. Why is this so important? Simply put, they need to understand the importance of being responsible. If you're constantly letting them sleep in and then rush out the door at the last minute, this can roll over into other aspects of their life. Instead of doing homework assignments early, they might wait until the last minute and get a bad grade. And as they enter adulthood, they could continue this behavior in both their personal and professional life.

Learn How to Pitch In

Your children also need to give without always having to receive. Although it’s normal to want to be rewarded for helping out, it shouldn’t be their motivation to do so. As a parent, you need to instill good habits in them. One of them includes wanting to help just for the sake of helping. Whether it's helping do the dishes, getting an item someone else can't reach and even just asking if someone needs help is an essential skill for life. It makes you more dependable and trustworthy.

Advocate for Themselves

If there's one skill every child needs to learn, it's advocating for themselves. Self-advocacy is when a person openly talks about their thoughts and feelings. Many people these days often shy away from discussing how they feel. In some cases, they might even start to question their own beliefs and doubt themselves. As a result, this can cause uncertainty and insecurity within children. It's very important to teach them the importance of self-advocacy as it instills self-confidence.

Maintaining Focus

One of the biggest detriments to a child's development is the inability to focus. Children are very curious and will turn their head to the first thing they see or hear. However, because their minds are still developing, it shouldn't be too difficult to help them learn how to maintain their focus. A great way to accomplish this is to have them stick to a schedule, build good habits and go about a routine. Not only will this help learn how to be more independent, it also teaches them how to control themselves.

Critical Thinking and Problem Solving

The world as we know it is very complex. This is largely due to the fact that everything can change at a moment's notice. In fact, change can cause a lot of problems for some people because they're unsure on how to adapt.

You can help children overcome this issue by teaching them to think critically and teaching them to adapt by giving them various problems to solve. To make it fun, have them play pretend by themselves or with their friends. They can make up their own problems as well as their own solutions all with their imagination. You can even give them puzzles, board games and even learning how to properly tie their shoelaces.

About the Author

Drew Allen is a financial enthusiast, seasoned blogger, music and sports fanatic. He enjoys spending time outdoors with his wife and daughter fishing and boating. He is dedicated to his 20+ year career in the banking, mortgage, and personal finance industry.