A Step-by-Step Guide to Learning
Your First-Ever Programming Language

See also: Careers in IT and Computing

Why should you learn a programming language?

Actually, the question should be why shouldn’t you learn a programming language?

Learning programming has a wide range of benefits. For one, adding it to your skillset can help you demonstrate your abilities. Moreover, it enhances your problem-solving and logical thinking skills. And if you work in an analytical field, you can improve your work with data. On top of all this, it is a lucrative career option as it allows you to formulate and devise solutions to real-world problems.

It is the reason why lots of students enroll in programming courses. They know the mantra to personal and professional growth in this technology-driven world is dipping a foot into Information Technology.

Fair enough

But what exactly is programming, and how can you learn it, especially if you feel alien to this field of study?

What is Programming?

To put it into plain words, programming refers to the process where you tell a computer what you want it to do. It is a way for humans to communicate with computers and machines, This is why we call them programming languages, different languages that computers can understand.

We all know that artificial intelligence is all the buzz lately. However, despite all the advancements, it is the truth written in stone that computers do not think; they only do what they are told to do. And this is where programming comes in. You can instruct a computer to behave in a certain way in a certain situation through programming.

Now that you understand the most basic concept of programming, let’s dive into the steps of learning a programming language.

1. Select a Programming Language

There are many programming languages, and each one has unique attributes and uses. For example, you can choose JavaScript if you want to learn web development, while you should learn Java if you are into software development. So the first thing that you need to do is understand what you want to do after learning the programming language. Once you identify your need, then you must select the language that best fits your requirements.

When choosing the language you wish to learn, it is important to consult your instructor and seniors, anyone you think can give you honest suggestions and correct information about the potential of the language.

So, here are the programming languages you can choose from:

  • Python

    Python has to be your go-to programming language to learn if you want to start easy. Mostly, you will be recommended to learn this language as it helps you with baby steps to learn more complex languages.

    Honestly, learning a complex language at first will make you hate programming forever. So, it is better to start simple and understand syntax rules and basic coding practices first.

  • C#

    C# is a difficult language to learn but has to be among the first ones to learn as it provides the foundation for other languages. Therefore, when you learn this language, it will be easier for you to learn other languages, like C++.

  • Java

    Java is a high-in-demand programming language, and therefore, the best language to learn if you fancy a great career. Java works on a principle - write once, run anywhere. This means that you can write on any device and work across any platform.

  • JavaScript

    Another important language that you should learn is JavaScript. It is one of the most important languages as all of the websites you use, such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and this one, rely on it. Plus, it communicates with HTML and CSS, enabling interactivity in websites.

  • Ruby

    Ruby, like Python, is easy to learn for those with no prior understanding and awareness of programming. It saves you from learning lots of programming technicalities and offers several tools and libraries to use.

2. Begin with Basics

Well, once you pick up the language you want to learn, you must start your journey with basic concepts. Learning complex concepts, in the beginning, will be overwhelming for you and may cause you to lose interest in learning the language completely.

You may rely on online courses on learning platforms, such as Coursera and Udemy, or through other platforms, like YouTube.

FYI, to use the resources to learn programming languages, you will need to equip yourself with a dependable internet like Optimum. Its incredible speed and no-data limit allows you to conquer every summit that comes your way. However, make sure you browse through Optimum en español to get more details if you speak Spanish.

No matter how you learn the language, make sure you do not move to the next topic until your concepts are all clear about the preceding topic.

3. Choose the Right Coding Tools and Software

Programming is a language that you will learn with practice and not by cramming the programming concepts. So, it is essential to buckle yourself in to practice everything you learn throughout your learning journey. Essentially, you need to use your knowledge to solve practical problems.

Having said that, you need to be all prepared with the right equipment to start your practice. Well, this preparation is not limited to setting up a PC but getting the right software tools as well. First of all, you should have an updated computer with a high-resolution monitor to read or debug lines of code. Then, you should have text editors, etc.

4. Work on Small Projects

Now that you have gained the knowledge and have been practicing your understanding, it is time to implement it in the real world. To do that, you will have to begin with working on small projects. You may join communities with like-minded people and discuss more about the languages and the prospects. Also, you may search freelance websites to find projects to work on.

Final Words

With commitment and passion, there is nothing you cannot do. If you are committed to learning programming languages, then start today and prepare for the tech-driven future. Stringently follow the steps we have listed for you here and you will ace it!