The Skills You Need to Be an Event Organiser

See also: Facilitation Skills

Working as an event organiser is fun. You get to attend fun events, product launches, and high-profile weddings. But event planning is not only about attending glamorous parties. It's one of the world's most stressful jobs that require specialised skills, suitable for hardworking individuals with excellent time management skills.

Here are the essential skills you need to be an event organiser.

1. Organisational Skills

Organisational skills are some essential skills that event organisers must possess. In fact, it is necessary for every profession as it allows you to work more efficiently, resulting in increased productivity and performance. If you have excellent organisational skills, it also means you have a strong aptitude for time management and goal setting and knows how to achieve goals.

Event organisers have to stay organised at all times. Some people can work in chaos. However event organisers rely on processes and methods, which is even more essential if you work as a team. Therefore, you need to be as organised as possible.

Being organised means adhering to timelines and budgets, keeping everyone in the team informed, and ensuring you attend every appointment and meeting. You must also keep all essential documents and paperwork organised. Besides, a well-executed event does not happen by accident. A successful event requires sharp organisational skills and utmost attention to detail, from planning to post-event analysis. As an event organiser, you must stay on top of everything and ensure you meet all your client's demands.

2. Problem Solving

Problem-solving is another skill that's essential for various positions. While many people associate problem solving with those in senior positions, this skill is necessary regardless of your role since we all have to deal with work issues every single day. A successful event organiser can solve any problem while staying cool.

An event organiser with good problem-solving skills is resourceful, and such resourcefulness is not only limited to using sticky notes. During unforeseen challenges, they can quickly come up with a decision while staying calm at all times. For instance, in cases where a keynote speaker of an event is late for some reason, they can keep the audience engaged. Event organisers with good problem-solving skills are also adaptive and creative and can quickly think of ways to resolve an issue in no time.

If you are new to event planning, you can improve your problem-solving skills by focusing on pre-event planning to iron out any issues. The goal is to check for any holes in your plans and create backup plans if things don't turn out well. Don't hesitate to ask for advice from the experts, especially while you're still learning the ropes. Listen to what people with more experience say and see if you can apply their advice to resolve any issues you may have.

3. Networking

Event organisers should be good at networking. In fact, networking is an essential skill in the events industry. When it comes to this, you can gain experience at conferences and events. Networking events are the perfect opportunity to expand your network and look for potential new leads, collaborators, and mentors. There are also many inspiring events that help deliver better business results, due to the educational and networking value they hold.

When attending conferences, arrive early and reach out to someone you find interesting. The events industry is heavily people-driven and often based on relationships. Therefore, it demands a widespread network of professionals, from photographers to vendors. Connect with people involved in lighting and A/V décor, videographers, DJs, bands, etc. These are the people you need to make your events successful.

Looking for leads and opportunities in the events industry often relies on networking. Those who need the services of an event organiser will not advertise or post ads. Instead, they rely on word of mouth for recommendations. Therefore, if you are new to the industry, the best way to find your first client is to get your face and name in front of people who may be helpful in your career.

4. Communication

Another essential skill an event planner should have is the ability to interact and build rapport in a short time. Event organisers should have good communication skills and are not afraid to talk to executives, speakers, attendees, brand sponsors, and vendors.

Once an event is scheduled, event organisers must make sure to deliver, which is why you need to communicate effectively with every person involved in the event planning. Establish a communication plan, allowing everyone you work with to have clear expectations of their tasks and increase productivity. Productivity is important in the events industry due to the deadlines and tight time constraints. Without effective communication, your event could fall apart at the seams.

Strong interpersonal and communication skills are the keys to ensuring that everyone in your team understands their role and that everything runs smoothly. Along with communication skills, event organisers must possess equally strong writing skills, which helps them effectively convey information to clients and the people in their team. Event organisers must also be great listeners, so they will understand the needs and wants of their clients.

5. Creativity

Anyone can organise an event, regardless of whether the result is good or bad. The only difference is the element of creativity. Event planning is not only about making to-do lists. As an event planner, you should tap into your creative skills to bring your clients' visions to life. Creativity is one of those skills that can be learned and developed over time.

Event planners will find it hard to infuse authenticity and passion into every event if they do not possess creative skills. Even if the event does not have enough room for creativity and innovation, there should always be wiggle room to do things differently, despite being limited to your clients' needs. When you correctly use your creative skills, it can lead to a memorable experience for your clients, which will have a positive impact on your event and you as the organiser.

You can apply your creative skills in thinking of an event theme, choosing a unique venue, or looking for a motivational speaker. If you are new to the industry, seek inspiration from social media channels, blogs, or influencers.

About the Author

This article was provided by IBTM World, experts in MICE events and the leading business events expos in Barcelona.