Why Aspiring Entrepreneurs Are Making
a Beeline for the Italian Investor Visa

See also: Negotiation Across Cultures

Entrepreneurs are passionate people with the drive to achieve their dreams and goals. They think differently, and act courageously, when it comes to reaching their long-term vision. Nothing sounds better than setting up a business abroad if you are an aspiring entrepreneur. It is an opportunity to explore new markets and start afresh overseas. Moreover, you have a chance to settle overseas with your family and give them a better life.

But the prospect is daunting as it comes with endless challenges, from entry regulations to market competition, tax rules, and more. Immigration is another thing to worry about when setting up a business in another country. Thankfully, Italy is a country that offers an easy way in with an investor visa. You can visit Bersani Law Firm & Partners for getting assistance on immigration with this route. Let us highlight why budding entrepreneurs are making a beeline for the Italian investor visa.

A fast and easy process

As an entrepreneur, you expect your plans to get off the mark sooner than later. But things are not as easy when thinking beyond the local markets. It is hardly possible to explore a foreign market because of the regulatory challenges.

Every country has specific regulations for foreign businesses, and entrepreneurs gave to follow them to be on the right side of the law. The immigration part may take years to complete, but the Italian investor visa lets you in within months. You have to complete only two steps to land in Italy with the right to live and work there. The first one is getting a certificate of no impediment (nulla osta), following which you can apply for an investor visa at your local consulate. The nulla osta process takes only thirty days, and you can quickly wrap up the second step once you have the certificate.

Multiple investment alternatives

With the Italian investor visa, you have multiple investment alternatives. Simply speaking, you can explore different ones and pick the one that fits into your early-stage budget.

You can contribute a sum of €250,000 as a minimum investment in an innovative startup. So, it is not as expensive as you might imagine, and you can start with thousands instead of millions. The other options include €500,000 for a running company, €1 million as a donation to a public project, and €2 million worth of government bonds. You can initiate the process with only bank proof of funds as the money has to come only after completing the process. The good thing is that you need not worry about the security of your funds as they stay with you until you get your visa.

Availability of expert assistance

Another reason that makes the investor visa an attractive option for new entrepreneurs is the easy availability of expert assistance. The last thing you want to handle while working on your startup plans is immigration paperwork and steps.

You can connect with professionals to help guide you through the investor visa process. Although it is inherently simple, you should not take things for granted, as errors and omissions can slow you down. You may feel confused about the investment options or have doubts regarding the paperwork. Likewise, you will probably need guidance while converting to a residence status later on. An expert can ensure zero hassles, so you can focus on your startup plans leaving them to take care of everything else.

Business expansion opportunities

The Italian investor visa sets you up for a residence permit right after entering the country. You can start your venture after bringing in the committed investment and closing the formalities.

Remember to have your funds at hand because you have only three months to produce them after getting your residence permit. Failing to do what is required may risk the revocation of your visa and resident permit. You might also have to leave the country right away. However, things can be a breeze once you bring the committed investment as you can then live and work in Italy. The best part is that you have business expansion opportunities as a resident. You can travel visa-free within the Schengen area and work without restrictions, so exploring these markets for expansion is possible. It is easy to fly to these destinations to meet prospective clients, participate in trade shows, and hold business meetings.

Long-term prospects

The ultimate goal of setting up a business overseas is to settle in the country for good. With the Italian investor visa, you have the assurance of long-term prospects for staying as a citizen. You can even bring along your dependents without additional investment in the country. They can stay as residents and get the same benefits as anyone else.

You can buy a home, get healthcare and educational opportunities for your loved ones, and kickstart your venture. But there's much more to cheer about as you are open to citizenship eventually. The process of obtaining a second passport takes a decade, but it is only a matter of time. You have to complete the relevant paperwork to acquire permanent residence after five years and citizenship by naturalization after a decade. The only condition is to hold your investment during this period. The process is easy, and an immigration expert can make it even smoother.

The Italian investor visa has immense advantages. Not surprisingly, more and more aspiring entrepreneurs are keen to join the bandwagon. There couldn't be an easier way to reach your global business dreams, so you should capitalize on the opportunity sooner rather than later.  The best way to do it is by collaborating with an expert who can guide you from start to end. They can help you assess the different investment alternatives and opt for the one that works the best for you. Besides helping with the visa process, they can also assist you with your citizenship goals. You can establish your business, drive its growth, and stay for good. Your next generations can reap the fruits of your hard work, and you can take your business to the next level.

Further Reading from Skills You Need

The Skills You Need Guide to Self-Employment and Running Your Own Business

The Skills You Need Guide to Self-Employment and
Running Your Own Business

If you are thinking about running your own business, or already do so, but feel that you need some guidance, then this eBook is for you. It takes you through self-employment in easy steps, helping you to ensure that your business has more chance of success.

The Skills You Need Guide to Self-Employment and Running Your Own Business is the guide no new or aspiring entrepreneur can afford to be without!

Based on our popular self-employment and entrepreneurship content.

About the Author

Emma is a content writer for Outreach Monks specializing in the legal niche. Having over six years of experience, she aims to provide easy-to-understand legal advice to her readers. This ensures that the reader gets a thorough understanding of the laws, regulations, and guidelines.