How Communication Skills Translate
into Business Success

See also: Tips to Improve Customer Service

You need to tell a story before you can sell a story. And the nicer you tell, the more you sell.

However, it’s not only about how well you can communicate with your customers and prospects, the internal communication that happens within your company also plays a crucial role in making your business a success.

Before talking about how communication skills translate into business success, let’s first briefly see what good communication in the workplace looks like.

The Characteristics of Good Communication

Good communication is:

  • Clear – Vague instructions and requests confuse the recipient.

  • Concise – It doesn’t need to contain any unnecessary jargon and details that can make understanding the message difficult.

  • Grammatically correct – Proper use of syntax and grammar increases the effectiveness and credibility of your message.

  • Complete – Leaving important bits of information out can lead to misunderstandings.

  • Coherent – Points follow a logical sequence.

  • Courteous – Has a polite tone that reflects consideration.

With that out of the way, let’s look at six ways communication skills translate into business success.

6 Ways Communication Skills Translate into Business Success

1. They Improve Customer Service

An effective and reliable communication setup with your customers allows you to better understand their needs, giving you an opportunity to provide better customer service.

Good customer service makes your customers feel valued and appreciated, and encourages them to return to make more purchases in the future. It also helps with referral marketing, as your customers tell their friends and family about how great your customer service is.

Moreover, in today’s dynamic business world, a business can only survive if it can present itself in a way that resonates well with its target clientele. And this is something good communication skills can help you achieve.

Although there are multiple methods that you can use to communicate with your customers, using a 1300 virtual number is a simple and effective one. Check out this simple1300 numbers overview for further insight.

2. They Positively Influence Employee Behavior

A good communication strategy goes a long way in enhancing the work environment of your company.

It does so by allowing the staff members to communicate with each other respectfully and professionally, inducing a strong team spirit. This allows co-workers to work together towards a common goal and any issues that arise along the way are promptly resolved through effective communication.

When your employees are happy, they act as your brand ambassadors and spread the good word about your business, which gets you free publicity.

On the other hand, businesses that don’t have good internal communication face low employee satisfaction, and consequently, a high turnover rate.

3. They Improve Coordination

There is constant decision-making going on at the top level in a company. New goals are being set, new policies are being adopted, and so much more. For a business to continue working smoothly, it’s crucial that all of this new information gets passed down to the right people at the right time.

This is only possible if managers have excellent communication skills. Without them, it would be impossible to get new orders implemented in a timely manner, and a business would lose out.

Similarly, communication skills are also vital for inter-departmental coordination. For example, your research team has to be on the same page as your marketing team. And both of these teams have to be in perfect collaboration with your finance department (so that they only spend what they are allocated).

4. They Enhance Creativity and Innovation

Once employees know that they are being heard and acknowledged, they start sharing ideas.

For example, let’s say a junior employee in the marketing department is informed about the ongoing planning of a new marketing campaign due to good communication.

She thinks of an idea about how her company can make it even better and shares it with her superiors. The idea turns out to be awesome, reaches the head of marketing the next day, and gets used in the upcoming campaign.

This is how good communication skills help businesses benefit from the individual experiences, ideas, and suggestions that employees bring with them.

5. They Help Prevent Conflicts

Poor communication is a major source of conflicts at a company.

When people think their issues are not being heard, they get frustrated and angry. This can result in poor employee morale, a high quit rate, and low productivity.

On the other hand, good communication allows your employees to resolve issues by connecting and talking to the appropriate authorities within your company. Empathy-based communication also helps employees feel understood and at home, increasing their productivity and keeping their morale high.

6. They Help Businesses Achieve Their Goals

Different businesses have different goals. Some might want to maximize their profits, while others might be focusing on increasing their market share.

These goals must be clearly communicated to your employees, so they know what the company expects them to do. This can only be done if there is a flawless communication system in place.

On the flip side, you can’t really expect your employees to work towards your business goals when they don’t even know what they are in the first place. So here’s a guide that can help you improve your communication game and prevent this from happening.

How To Make Your Employees Better at Communication

Although communication skills take time to improve, there are a few short-term things you can do to make sure your employees are set up for good communication.

  1. Encourage Open Communication

    Make it clear to your employees that you encourage an open and honest exchange of ideas and suggestions. This will make them feel more comfortable approaching you with their ideas.

  2. Encourage Feedback

    Make it a point to encourage feedback from your employees. This will help you identify any areas where communication needs to be improved.

  3. Be A Good Role Model

    Make sure you set a good example for your employees by being a good communicator yourself. This will encourage them to communicate effectively as well.

  4. Develop A Communication Plan

    If your employees interact directly with your customers, it's a good idea to develop a communication plan.

    Developing a communication plan will help ensure that all employees are on the same page and that everyone knows what is expected of them. It will also ensure they are aware of the company’s goals and know how to communicate effectively.

    A communication plan is a document that outlines the following:

    • The goals of the communication
    • The target audience
    • The key messages
    • The channels to be used
    • The frequency of communication
    • The resources needed

    Regularly review and update your communication plan to make sure it is still relevant and effective.

  5. Provide Training

    Last but not least, consider providing communication training for your employees. This will help them develop the necessary skills to communicate effectively. Communication training involves learning how to listen, how to speak, and how to handle difficult conversations.

Introduction to Communication Skills - The Skills You Need Guide to Interpersonal Skills

Further Reading from Skills You Need

Our Communication Skills eBooks

Learn more about the key communication skills you need to be a more effective communicator.

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