Discover the Best Language to Learn
for Your New Journey

See also: Intercultural Communication Skills

A few factors are necessary for learning a new language; time and practice are the most important. However, the time you put in is worthwhile: Research indicates a connection between intellect and multilingualism, as well as enhanced problem-solving skills. It can also boost your excitement and readiness for a planned vacation.

The good news is that development may be made without spending hours in a classroom. With the correct platform, you may use your smartphone to quickly and easily absorb a small amount of information daily, no matter where you are. Our recommendation? UpskillsTutor, where you will find the best teachers to help you learn a new language with their expert strategies and experience. You could learn to order pastries in Swedish, ask for a different shirt size in French, or find the tube in Japanese. Reinvest the time you would have spent binge-watching Love Is Blind on Netflix (no judgment).

Here are some of the questions you must ask yourself before choosing a language:

  • Practical for business: What is the likelihood that you will be able to use your new language in international business?

  • Practical for travel: How many nations are bilingual in the language? Is it an official language spoken by a large native population?

  • Beneficial for a job and education: How many schools use this language for instruction? Can one advance in their job by speaking this language?

  • Possibilities for studying overseas: Many study abroad programs and chances to learn the language exist.

  • Global speaker count: Is the number of native speakers high? Is it widely used as a second language, either officially or informally?

Language 1 - Japanese

Even if the majority of people speaking Japanese are in Japan, there are still many benefits to learning the language. Being one of the most complex languages, Japanese has three writing systems and intricate grammar and has very little in common with other languages.

Still, it's simple to understand why the effort is worthwhile. Because of its fascinating history, Japan is a famous tourist destination. You may easily inspire yourself to study by using your favorite anime as practice.

Japan is home to some of the world's most inventive businesses and has the third-largest GDP worldwide. Additionally, Japanese is the third most spoken language online, making it possible to do important business from home, no matter where you are in the globe! Acquiring proficiency in one of the primary Internet languages will help you stand out in the near future, especially with the current shift towards a virtual work environment.

Explore the beauty of the language and consider Japanese lessons near you to embark on this enchanting journey.

Language 2 - Spanish

For good reasons, Spanish usually consistently ranks highly on these rankings. With 477 million native speakers and more than 550 million speakers overall, Spanish is the official language of more than 20 nations and the unofficial second language of 13% of Americans who use it at home.

Even if you're not taking in-person lessons, obtaining practice material shouldn't be too difficult because there is a multitude of extra Spanish resources available online. Hundreds of Spanish-language Netflix series, like the beloved series Money Heist, are available to help you improve your understanding. As you become more proficient, try watching without the English subtitles.

Language 3 - Mandarin Chinese

This language is ranked as one of the most crucial languages to learn, with over a billion people speaking Mandarin Chinese globally. Even though most speakers are from China, the nation is becoming a significant global player; thus, having Chinese-speaking team members is becoming increasingly critical for enterprises. Consequently, 35 percent more global corporations are searching for CEOs who speak Mandarin than in previous years.

Among Internet users, Mandarin is likewise the second most common language. It is predicted that it will soon overtake English as the most popular language online due to the annual growth in online sales.

Mandarin is not the most straightforward language for English speakers to learn, but the benefits are well worth the effort.

Additional Benefits of Learning a New Language

Beyond the specific advantages associated with each language, the process of learning any new language brings about many other general benefits to our personal and professional development. Embracing the challenge of acquiring a new language can significantly enhance your cognitive abilities and broaden your horizons.

  1. Communication Skills:

    Learning a new language is an awesome way to practice your communication skills. Not only are you required to talk to different people that you don’t know that well, but also do it in a language that you’re just starting to get familiar with. This is a great way to get out of your comfort zone, make new friends and become generally better at expressing your thoughts.

  2. Problem Solving:

    When trying to master a new language people usually do a lot of tasks that require analytical thinking, pattern recognition, and problem-solving skills. Some of them even tap into person’s creativity. Among obvious benefits language is also a great way to train your brain to solve logical puzzles which is a great skill to have in your professional and day-to day life.

  3. 3. Intercultural Awareness:

    In the words of Martin Heidegger, language is a house of being. That is true in a sense that there is no better way to understand a foreign culture than learning the language of the country where this culture originates from. That’s why when you’re travelling somewhere it is great to learn at least a few phrases in the native language of your destination.


In this ever-connected world, choosing the right language to learn is a decision that can shape your experiences and opportunities. Whether you're drawn to the elegance of Japanese, the practicality of Spanish, or the global significance of Mandarin Chinese, each language offers unique benefits that can enrich your life in the coming year. Embrace the challenge, expand your horizons, and discover the transformative power of language learning in shaping your journey.