7 Baby Care Skills and Tips to Know!

See also: Babies and Sleep

Having a newborn baby is both a joy and a challenge at the same time. There are many adjustments, and most of the time, it’s a trial-and-error process. You spend the first days, or even weeks, just figuring out your routines and how to adjust to a new baby in the home. It can be a lot to figure out, but it’s also so very rewarding at the same time.

Whether you are preparing for a new baby or struggling through the beginning stages of parenthood, there are certain tips and skills that may come in handy. In this guide, we share some of the top skills and tips to help you take care of your new baby and enjoy the journey.

Read more about these seven tips below!

1. Rest When You Can

Being a new parent is exhausting. Your baby requires round-the-clock care, and even at night, they only sleep for 2-3 hours at a time. Their little bodies need more care, which means you might be losing sleep to provide that care. As you get started, it is important to take advantage of the quiet moments and get the rest that you need.

As a parent, you are probably thinking of all the things you need to do, but without proper rest you can’t focus on providing proper care. Neglecting rest can have negative impacts on your overall health. Lack of sleep and rest can weaken the immune system, increase the risk of illnesses, and lead to physical and mental health problems. By prioritizing rest, you can maintain your health and well-being, ensuring you can continue to provide care for your baby.

What’s more, resting also allows you to take breaks and engage in self-care activities. This time away from the baby can help you recharge emotionally, reducing the risk of burnout and allowing you to develop a stronger bond with your baby.

2. Get on a Sleep Schedule

Before you become a parent, you may well wonder what is sleep training? But once you have a little one of your own, you’ll get to know the vagaries of the concept and activities covered by the term.

When the baby is brand new, you can’t really force a schedule. They do a lot of sleeping at this stage, but they also need to be fed more often.

However, as they start to grow, you can start setting up a sleep schedule and work towards sleeping through the night. Most parents start sleep training around four months old.

You can work with a sleep training coach or do the research and try it on your own. A great cycle to work towards is to establish an eat, play, and sleep routine. In this cycle, a baby doesn’t rely on eating to sleep, and it can help make routines a bit easier.

3. All the Smiles

Your baby can start smiling within a few days of being born. It’s going to become your mission to get smiles from them every chance you can. Most of the time, your baby’s smiles will come from interactions with you and those they are close to. They might smile back at you when you are smiling. They will smile when you talk to them and play with them. Look into their eyes and bond over all the smiles.

4. Vision Milestones

When the baby is first born, they can see very little. But their vision quickly develops and improves from there. Their vision really starts to improve around three months old, and this is when they can see farther. Before then, they may see shapes and colors, but they will be less focused.

You can help stimulate the use of their vision through colors, pictures, various textures, and more.

5. Bonding is Vital

You start bonding before your baby is even born. Your efforts to continue to bond shouldn’t stop. Before birth, you might feel your tummy, talk to the baby, listen to music, and more. These help bond. At birth, you will bond with breastfeeding, skin-to-skin time, and talking or touching.

Focus on bonding continually as the baby grows. You will want to actively bond through sight, touch, affection, and sound. They rely on you to provide them with their bonding needs.

Bonding promotes healthy development in babies. When you bond with your baby, you engage in activities that stimulate their senses, such as talking, singing, and playing. These interactions support their cognitive, social, and emotional development, laying a strong foundation for their future growth.

Furthermore, bonding enhances communication between you and your baby. Through eye contact, touch, and responsive interactions, you can understand your baby's needs, cues, and signals better. This helps you respond promptly and appropriately, meeting their physical and emotional needs, which is vital for their well-being.

6. Baby on the Move

Your baby will be on the move in no time. Tummy time is what leads to rolling and eventually crawling. So many parents avoid tummy time because babies tend to fuss a bit. But you should be incorporating tummy time, even if it is in small doses. Tummy time helps them to strengthen their neck.

Between 1-3 months, they will start to hold their heads up. Around 4-6 months, they will start to roll over. And crawling generally happens around 7-10 months.

7. Time to Eat!

When your baby is about six months old, most parents start to introduce additional foods besides just milk into their diets. It’s a good idea to start with cereal. This should be your first test before moving on to veggies and then fruits.

It will take some time to get your baby used to taking food and swallowing it as they naturally have a reflex that pushes things out of their mouth. Keep trying, testing one thing at a time. Start with cereal, then move to veggies, fruits, and additional foods slowly.

Final Thoughts

From the time your little one is born, you will see new milestones and advancements regularly. Learn what to look for and how you can support your child along the way. These tips will help you work through the major aspects of raising a new baby.

About the Author

Eddie Davis: Having produced content in a number of technical fields, it's fair to say that that my experience in these markets is superior to most. Whether it's cybersecurity, editing software or anti-virus products (and many other areas) I've worked and written for some of the key players in the industry and as such my work comes from a place of experience. I try to inform and educate, while making sure not to alienate those with less know-how, it's a tricky bridge to cross but it's one I've journeyed on for some years.