How to Fight for Your Family's Rights
After an Autism Diagnosis

See also: Teaching Children Social Skills

Whether you or a family member has received a diagnosis of autism, the days and weeks following this major news can be tough to manage.

It’s best to have a plan of action and focus on using the skills you’ve got at your disposal to restore balance and adapt to the new reality you face.

In the long run, no matter how insurmountable this obstacle might seem at first, you’ll triumph and thrive.

Here’s how to do just that.

Crafted letters spelling 'Autism'.

Understanding autism

Parents should endeavor to develop interpersonal skills in their children. And the important thing to note about autism is that it is a broad spectrum, encompassing many different levels of the condition’s severity.
Furthermore, every case is unique, and it’s possible to make improvements and overcome social challenges with time and effort. Follow the advice and guidance of your physician and any specialists who are assigned to your case, and the next steps should come more easily.

Could your child’s autism have been caused by Tylenol?

The manufacturers of Tylenol and its generic counterpart acetaminophen are under increased pressure to pay settlements to families affected by autism in children which has been linked to excessive exposure of a fetus to this drug during pregnancy.
You won’t have the expertise to fight a Tylenol, autism and ADHD lawsuit by yourself, so working with the specialist lawyers at is crucial to get the best outcome.

Working on core skills early is best

The sooner you can start to nurture and grow soft social skills following an autism diagnosis, the less of a struggle it will be to live a normal life. This goes double for parents with kids who have been pinpointed as being somewhere on this spectrum. So, what skills need to be prioritized as you fight for your family’s rights to exist in a society that’s still not geared towards those with autism?


For neurotypical people, communication skills can feel like second nature. Expressing ourselves clearly and actively listening to others is learned and absorbed as we grow and learn from those around us.

For autistic people, it’s necessary to make more of an active attempt to foster communication skills, and to learn to detect some of the social cues that are so obvious to others.

In the modern age there are thankfully many more resources available to facilitate communication and increase the understanding between people with different neurological conditions and outlooks. Even so, developing skills in this area is necessary for all of us, and helping people on the spectrum of autism requires patience and persistence, especially on the part of parents.


Everyone should be aiming to work better with others, as collaboration is key in a professional capacity, as well as in everyday family life.

Sharing responsibilities, taking instructions, making your voice heard in a team environment and moving towards a shared goal are all part and parcel of this process.

Children need to be taught that working as a team is part and parcel of everyday life, both in the workplace and at home. This means that it’s important to impart collaborative skills sooner rather than later, whether or not autism is at play.

Problem solving

There are many misconceptions about autism, one of which is that every person who’s diagnosed with it is a polymath or a savant who can somehow tap into certain neurological abilities that everyone else is unable to access.

The reality is that autism impacts people in different ways, and there’s as much variety in ability when it comes to skills like problem solving as you’d see across the population.

The point is that with autism, you’re more likely to encounter speed bumps in daily life because the world is not set up to accommodate your unique needs.

Thus, with a focus on problem solving skills, developing the tool kit you or your child needs to make headway will be catalyzed.

Creative expression

Creativity is an outlet for emotion for many of us. Youngsters will benefit most from being given the opportunity to explore their creative sides, and yet it’s down to parents to ensure that they’ve got the materials and the support to do this.

In the case of kids with autism, or adults for that matter, creative expression can take many different forms, and it’s up to the other people in their lives to find out exactly what clicks for the individual in question. Don’t close any doors too soon, and give them the freedom to experiment.

It’s often through play that we uncover our passions, and so there’s value to seemingly frivolous activities.

Decision making

The choices we make define the paths our lives take, and being paralyzed by indecision is something that happens to all of us. What we don’t appreciate is that this can come about because of how we experienced the world as children.

For example, if most decisions were taken out of our hands, or we were never exposed to the fallout of choosing poorly when presented with multiple options, this can cloud our ability to decide well when we are older.

There is no hard and fast rule for managing decision making skills in children with autism, because as mentioned there is a whole spectrum of this condition to encompass, and it can exhibit itself in various ways.

What parents of all children need to do is be willing to let their kids make the wrong choices, and then explain to them why the path they took was not the best option, rather than just chiding them for taking it. Such situations are invaluable learning opportunities, and ones we can all grow and develop from.

Final thoughts

It’s important to take positives from an autism diagnosis and look into the ways you can fight for your rights through learning new skills or imparting them to a child as a parent. This is the perfect example of how to see a silver lining and grasp it.

About the Author

Cristina Par is a content specialist with a passion for writing articles that bridge the gap between brands and their audiences. She believes that high-quality content plus the right link building strategies can turn the tables for businesses small and large.