6 Reasons Why Upskilling Can Transform
Your Professional Life for the Better

See also: Soft Skills

In today’s world where professional competition seeking career growth has become as intense as it has ever been, upskilling is a vital factor that can transform your professional life for the better. Upskilling refers to the acquisition of new skills by individuals. This can happen on both a personal or a professional basis, such as expanding your education by taking online courses, or attending workshops that are paid for by your employer or company.

Learning new skills can have enormous positive impacts on different aspects of your career as well as your personal life. Anytime we allow ourselves to be challenged, our horizons expand. There is a Chinese proverb that celebrates learning, “learn till the day you die”, which basically means that we should never stop improving ourselves and making room for advancements because, by staying stagnant, we’re halting progress and allowing ourselves to fall behind. Aside from the philosophical values of learning, the following are six reasons why you should upskill yourself starting today.

1. Discover new interests

After staying in the same job for many years, you may begin to get bored by the responsibilities that accompany your job title. You might lose the initial passion that you had for your niche, and your work starts to feel tedious and drab. Learning new skills will help you get in touch with new subjects and areas that might stir your interest. Since industries are forever evolving, there may be new tricks to the trade that you haven’t come across in your field, which can help you reignite your spark. You might even surprise yourself by discovering a new passion that can make your life exciting again.

2. Secure your job

Upskilling is an integral part of meeting the evolving demands put forth by your job, even if you have been doing the same kind of work for years. Learning new skills will make you more efficient and adept at fulfilling your responsibilities by increasing your knowledge and expertise on subjects and tools associated with your job role. You are more likely to improve your job security if you outperform yourself every year. This is made possible by upskilling. You can either do this in your own time or propose to your employer or superiors that there is a certain program that you think will help increase efficiency in the workplace. Not only will this buy you points for taking the initiative, but you will also be able to gain new skills at no cost at all.

3. Prepare for the future

The accelerating development of technology has resulted in recurrent changes in the needs and demands of different industries, which in turn has created new and evolving job roles that require you to be up to date with the skill set that they entail. If you do not keep up with the changing times, you are at a higher risk of losing your job - the current work culture values capability over seniority and if you do not meet your job requirements, you may be laid off. Upskilling will also help you become ready for the new jobs that will be introduced in the future.

4. Fill the skill gap

With the creation of new tools and technology, there has been an increase in the development of new job designations and roles. For instance, the digitization of businesses has resulted in the demands for new job positions like app developers, cloud computing experts, website developers, digital marketers, social media managers and visual media specialists. These new job roles require new skill sets like expertise in online tools such as Google Analytics, WordPress and Adobe Illustrator that aid in digital marketing and website development, for instance. This has created a skill gap in organizations because they need to use these tools but do not have employees who have adequate skills. By upskilling yourself, you can diversify your job roles and adopt new responsibilities that will not only help in filling this gap but also aid you in redefining your approach to your work.

5. Become more aware and disciplined

Learning new skills not only helps in the growth of your career but also your personal development. By regularly attending courses and workshops that will help you increase your knowledge repository, you will become more aware of the trends in the market and the developments in the niche of your work. You will also develop discipline during the course of mastering a new skill, which may well have a positive impact on other aspects of your life.

6. Climb up the job ladder

Upskilling yourself will bring you more job opportunities that will help you climb up the job ladder. With the right skills, you can apply for higher-level jobs that will give you better pay, work environment and responsibilities. If you want to change the niche of your jobs, you can opt for reskilling - you can learn skills related to a completely new job discipline, master the basic skills required for that niche and upskill yourself from there. Both upskilling and reskilling can bring you life-changing job opportunities that will help you achieve your dreams sooner than you expect.

Learning new skills in this era is as easy as it can get. There are many online courses in Australia that can help you master new skills whether you are looking to change careers, improve your current skill set or expand your knowledge. You can undergo these courses from the comfort of your home owing to impeccable technological advancement. Being certified in the skills that you want to learn is an added advantage as you can include these certificates in your job profile. Hence the best time to start upskilling yourself is today because it can transform your personal and professional lives by increasing your value as an individual. Once you begin to develop new skills, you will continue to do so for the rest of your life. After all, there is no age bar for bettering yourself.

The Skills You Need Guide to Personal Development

Further Reading from Skills You Need

The Skills You Need Guide to Personal Development

Learn how to set yourself effective personal goals and find the motivation you need to achieve them. This is the essence of personal development, a set of skills designed to help you reach your full potential, at work, in study and in your personal life.

The second edition of or bestselling eBook is ideal for anyone who wants to improve their skills and learning potential, and it is full of easy-to-follow, practical information.

About the Author

Craig Lebrau is the CMO of Media Insider, a Wyoming-based PR company that aims to disrupt the way companies communicate their brand in the digital era.