6 Pieces of Technology that Could
Enhance Your Business

See also: Entrepreneurial Skills

For a business to succeed and evolve, it will need to use technology. Technology shouldn't just be used for the sake of it, it needs to be the right sort of technology, and it needs to be done at the right time.

If you are looking for ways to enhance your business, this article will be ideal. Here are six pieces of technology that could enhance your business.

Artificial Intelligence

It's fair to say that artificial intelligence (AI) will play a huge role in the future of businesses over the next few years. Companies can process and analyze large amounts of data quickly through AI, which can help them make faster and better decisions.

One way that AI is already helping businesses is through customer service chatbots. With the help of chatbots and other such virtual assistants, companies can now provide 24/7 support without hiring more staff. These AI-powered helpers can answer common questions, troubleshoot problems, and even make recommendations based on a customer's previous interactions. They can also help point the customer in the right direction to a human they may need to contact, saving valuable time. If you think there is a way your business can incorporate this, then you should try to take that chance.

AI also enables businesses to optimize their operations and become more efficient across the board. Machine learning algorithms can analyze data to find patterns and trends that may not be apparent to humans. This can help companies streamline their supply chains, reduce waste, and minimize downtime. Plus, predictive analytics can forecast demand and optimize pricing strategies, generating higher revenue and profits.


You may be familiar with the blockchain through its application with cryptocurrency. Cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin are mined and accessed via the blockchain. Blockchain is a distributed transactional database in which all those involved have full possession of the transactional information.

This database of transactions is accurate and there is no central authority that rules over it. This appeals to investors worldwide as well as businesses. A business is able to use the blockchain to carry out transactions securely. These transactions can be on the customer side of things, or they can be for B2B applications.

While it is not certain if blockchain technology will seriously impact the business world, technology will surely have a role to play in some capacity. Industries such as logistics, energy, insurance, property, and health could benefit if the technology is used correctly.

There are a lot of possibilities with this technology. This is why business leaders should be doing all they can to educate themselves to learn how to shape the business in the future. You can sign up for a blockchain online program from the MIT Sloan School of Management, which can help you learn further about this. This technology is only just getting started in the business world, and your business should know where it stands.

3D Printing

3D printing is likely something you have started to hear more about. If you haven't heard about this fascinating piece of technology, then you should start learning more about it. 3D printing is a digitally operated manufacturing technology that can print physical objects. This is done through a 3D printer following the inputted specification of a digital 3D model.

The physical object is printed layer by layer rather than milling or shaping an existing object. These layers are printed in successive horizontal layers of materials such as metal or plastic, depending on what the user wants to use. The 3D printer will create the object from scratch until it is complete.

This means that 3D printing has a lot of potential for production-based industries. If the technology is advanced further, it may be able to reduce costs associated with prototyping and manufacturing significantly. It may also help to reduce labor costs if used right.

As 3D printing can produce objects from scratch, it will also help a business reduce the number of complete parts they store. This is because you won't need to store masses of pre-built goods, instead, you can produce parts as and when you need them. 3D printing has still not realized its full potential, however, the future is bright for 3D printing, with experts in the healthcare industry working to print artificial organs and tissues.


In the transportation and logistics industry, drones will have a major role to play in the future. Drones are unmanned aircraft that can fly autonomously. This is done via pre-programmed software, or they can be remotely controlled by an individual.

Amazon has plans for delivery by air in the next few years, and they won't be alone. We have already seen some companies use robots that travel via pavement to deliver goods from local stores, and the industry will only evolve further from here.

Drones are also an incredible surveillance tool that more businesses will start to use. Drones can be used in the agricultural industry to scan fields and even spread seed. Drones are already proving to be an incredible tool across multiple industries, but this is only just scratching the surface.

More businesses and industries are looking into the possibility of using drones, so too governments. If your business can adapt and find a way to incorporate drones into your business early, then you could potentially become a market leader.


Automation technology is something that businesses have been chasing for as long as anyone can remember. If a business can find ways to automate certain processes, they will likely be able to save money and potentially improve the standard being delivered.

Think about how businesses have embraced automation in the past. The most famous example of this is when Ford introduced the moving assembly line. This moving assembly line quickly ramped up production speed, allowing them to bring down costs and meet the expected supply.

Consider the ways you can include automation in your business. For many businesses, this can be achieved by finding ways to save time, usually through the use of the software. There will likely be software out there that can play a role in saving time across your business. Your HR department could use software to automate payroll, saving the time it takes to input everything manually, for example.

Virtual Reality

VR creates immersive and interactive experiences for individuals but can play a major role in how businesses operate. VR has the potential to transform everything from training and education to marketing and sales. Meta has started creating virtual offices with VR, allowing remote workers to work in an almost physical space.

One area where VR is already making an impact is employee training. Companies can train their employees in a safe and controlled setting by creating simulated environments. How a business chooses to use VR depends entirely on how they personally operate. How this technology applies to one business may not apply to another.

In addition to training, VR is also used in marketing and sales to create more engaging customer experiences. By creating virtual showrooms or product demos, companies can showcase their products in an interactive and memorable way. For example, a real estate company can use VR to give prospective buyers a virtual tour of a property before they decide to schedule a physical visit. Consider how your business can utilize VR if it is possible.

About the Author

Zoe has written and researched articles for a wide variety of career websites, blogs and magazines, has a strong understanding of current business trends and a passion for entrepreneurism.