Reputation Management:
Best Learning Skill for Business Growth

See also: Customer Service Skills

Growth is a goal that businesses of all sizes share. Whether you are a business proprietor starting a new enterprise, or already run an established and well-respected company, growth is important. However, a negative online reputation can diminish your potential for growth and expansion.

In terms of your online reputation, many things can have a negative impact. These include negative reviews and feedback from customers, former employees who are dissatisfied, or a failure to respond to negative reviews or complaints lodged with the Better Business Bureau.

If you do not actively manage your reputation, your business's growth will be severely hampered. The first step is to get to know what customers think about your business and where your firm stands in the market.

Tracing, monitoring, and removing data harmful to your brand, whether on social media or review websites, is known as online reputation management. Therefore, reputation management is what you should consider to help your business grow: learning this skill is one of the best things you can so for business growth.

This article will increase your knowledge of this important marketing skill and will help you to expand your business smoothly.

Why It is Essential to Learn Reputation Management Skill?

These days, people see the Internet as their primary source of information and trust what it says. Individuals make decisions based on what they find online. According to the statistics, "97% people read online reviews when looking for a local company."

Looking at such statistics, we can say that what is happening online affects your brand reputation. One negative review about your service or product can affect your entire annual sales target. Therefore, it is crucial that you quickly control your reputation to avoid negativity.

Learning a critical marketing skill like online reputation management will help you manage your business status and maximise annual leads and sales. You can either hire a leading marketing firm or use a top tool to monitor customer reviews, web content, and other information that affects your reputation and remove personal information from Google.

Important Components of Online Reputation Management

Your online reputation can be your biggest profit or your worst liability. Thus, it is vital to building a positive reputation the first time. Consider the below mentioned three key components for building a solid online brand reputation. These are:

  • Brand Monitoring

    Tracking information about your brand, service, or product reviews is known as reputation or brand monitoring. Tracking every mention of your brand across all channels may be time consuming or problematic for users to monitor manually, so it may help to use either a tool to analyse brand information automatically or to engage a marketing professional to do this for you. The complete process is continuously focused on people's perception online.

  • Review Checking

    This procedure includes monitoring and following-up of reviews of your brand, service or product on websites such as the Better Business Bureau, Yelp, TripAdvisor, Google, Angie's List, and so on. By doing so you can not only monitor the volume of mentions and reviews, but also track customers' needs and desires, and recognise influencers. Overall, review checking is considered a vital component of online reputation management.

  • Search Result Examination

    Under this reputation management method, you reduce the impact of harmful content found online by eliminating it or replacing it with more positive information. Getting your Google strategy right is essential. This includes keeping your SEO presence at the top of your brand name searches with good content or substituting negative reviews for positive information. If your Google search query shows a negative review, it is necessary to optimise and clean Google.

How Online Reputation Management Helps Business Growth

  1. Sales increase

    People will conduct online research on brand names, facilities, and items before making a final buying decision. Even before visiting somewhere new, people will check out the online reviews. Good online reviews will bring more people into a business, and a company with a poor reputation and negative reviews online will struggle to make big sales. This is why positive online reviews are essential for your brand, and this comes with reputation management.

  2. Credibility develops

    Social media platforms provide the opportunity to comment on everything and, as a result, people love to purchase from their trusted brands. Unfortunately, a negative word about your brand will spread more rapidly than a positive one, hence why it is essential to have effective online reputation management strategy in place to develop your business credibility.

  3. Return on investment

    Present and prospective investors, corporations, banks, and the general public use the Internet to find and obtain information about your firm before doing business with you. Likewise, before investing in a company, investors will be searching for any information about it. As a result, having a positive online presence provides you with new opportunities and advantages.

  4. Creates your brand image

    When negative information about a brand is shared online, it decreases customer loyalty and, as a result, the brands' bottom line may suffer. Unfortunately, hard-won respect and trust can be eroded quickly. However, in terms of reputation management, effective online reputation management tactics can assist you in creating an ideal brand image when it comes to complaints.

  5. Employees are attracted

    Good feedback is essential not only for attracting customers but also for attracting employees. An excellent online reputation will attract many applicants for any job opening as people will want to work for your business. In addition, a qualified candidate will always undertake research before applying to your company or accepting any position so, to attract the best talent to work with you, make sure your customers and online reviews are positive.

Further Reading from Skills You Need

The Skills You Need Guide to Leadership

The Skills You Need Guide to Leadership eBooks

Learn more about the skills you need to be an effective leader.

Our eBooks are ideal for new and experienced leaders and are full of easy-to-follow practical information to help you to develop your leadership skills.

Final Words

Starting and building a business requires an immense amount of time and effort. Your services may be excellent, and you may satisfy your existing customers, but there is a crucial element to consider when expanding your firm. This is your online reputation management as it helps you monitor, identify, and influence your brand’s digital reputation. This is what will differentiate you from your competitors, allowing you to attract and keep customers, employees, and workers.

Therefore, it is important to learn the skills of online reputation management and incorporate them into all your business marketing plans.

About the Author

Khushbu is a creative content writer. Throughout her career journey, she loves to write about trending topics related to business growth and digital marketing that helps readers to expand or grow their firm. She believes in delivering business ideas and life skills that add value to people’s lives.