Tips to Sell Your House
at the Best Possible Price

See also: Commercial Awareness

Selling a house can be stressful and overwhelming, especially if you’re looking to sell it quickly and at the best price possible, and you’re handling everything yourself. When selling your house, some of the struggles you’re likely to face include doing repairs, staging, determining the amount to sell it for, marketing, and knowing where to sell your home.

Proper preparation can help you better manage the stress that comes with selling your house, like unexpected delays, longer closings, or even lower-priced offers.

Today, you can avoid all these challenges by selling your house to a company that buys homes for cash like Leave The Key. This allows you to sell your house fast and hassle-free, without making any repairs or paying agent fees. While these companies offer a great way to sell your house fast, you won’t get the highest price possible.

Luckily for you, here are a few things you can do to make the most money out of your house sale:

Home for sale.

1. Do Repairs

One of the most effective ways to sell your house faster and for the highest price possible is by doing repairs. Making the necessary repairs and improvements to your home can help speed up the closing process. Also, the condition of your house can greatly influence the amount you get once you put it on the market. Give your house’s exterior a fresh coat of paint to make it more appealing to potential buyers and increase the value of your home. Perform minor repairs such as fixing leaking faucets, chipped-off plaster, and damaged stairs. Declutter and deep clean your home to look tidy and spacious, so potential buyers can visualize themselves and their families living there.

While making house improvements can help attract potential buyers, the impact of a home improvement project varies based on your local market and your current home value. For instance, costly projects like installing wood flooring offer a higher investment return for more expensive homes. On the other hand, less-costly projects like doing a kitchen remodel typically give you a greater return on your investment if you have a less expensive home.

2. Learn to Advertise Properly

Properly advertising your home can help you reach more potential buyers, increasing your chances of higher-priced offers. Advertise your home for sales on different online platforms to attract as many prospective buyers as possible worldwide. That’s important because most potential homebuyers nowadays research online to find homes that meet their requirements. Online advertisements are also effective since your home listing will always be visible to homebuyers round the clock, and those interested can easily reach out via phone.

Spruce up your home’s interior and exterior spaces and hire a professional photographer to take high-quality pictures of your home.  If you’re on a limited budget, learn the best shooting techniques, such as maintaining consistency across your shots and editing photos to look great. Share your listing’s photos on all your social media channels and encourage your followers to share with their friends. This will help show-off your home’s best features and entice potential buyers.

Include a captivating description of your house on your posts, explaining key highlight features like ample parking area and an outdoor kitchen. Use paid ads to advertise your home to a more targeted audience. This ensures your home listing appears at the top of search results for relevant keywords.

3. Learn the Best Time to Sell

Apart from doing repairs and advertising, selling at the right time can increase your chances of getting a higher price offer for your home. The ebb and flow of home sales is typically seasonal. For instance, you should target selling your home during spring to get the most value and the best offers. That’s because most people prefer moving during the warmer months when their children are out of school.

Besides the seasonality of the real estate market, many other factors can dictate the best time to sell your home for the most money. For instance, you may consider selling your home when you’ve already paid your mortgage or have sufficient equity to pay off your current mortgage, moving costs, and selling costs. This will let you sell your home without paying these expenses out of your pocket. When it comes to executing the move, your best bet is to work with professional moving companies, as that will always be the most efficient method to transport your belongings safely.

Consider selling your house during peak season when there is a surge in home sales to receive a higher price and more offers. Be sure to consider your personal situation when determining the right time to put your home on the market.

4. Set the Right Price

Price is often the main challenge homeowners face when selling their houses. If you overprice your house, you’re more likely to receive fewer offers, taking longer to sell. You also risk dropping your price, which can make buyers skeptical of your home, thinking there might be something wrong with it. This can make potential buyers think your house should be discounted, limiting your negotiating power. The longer your house stays on the market, the more stressed you become, especially if you’re moving house within a shorter timeframe or your new home depends on it.

That’s why pricing your house right can help you sell your house faster. A great place to start is conducting a home valuation to help you know what your house is worth. Research online the prices of homes similar to your house in your area. This will give you a clear picture of the right price range for your home, so you don’t go beyond what most potential buyers can pay. To ensure you get the highest possible amount of money, price your house in line with comparable homes in your local area.


From choosing the right time to sell to doing repairs and advertising effectively, there are many ways to maximize your net proceeds when selling your home.

Research your local market trends to ensure you set the right price since overpricing can prevent selling your home quickly, while underpricing can mean leaving money on the table. It’s also important to consider other costs associated with selling your home, such as housing overlap costs and closing costs. These factors can greatly impact the amount you get for your house.

About the Author

James Allison oversees content writing services at Globex Outreach.