Five Ways to Establish a Company
That Invests in Employees’ Well-Being

See also: Improving Your Wellbeing

Your employees are a crucial part of your organization. So, their well-being should be of utmost importance to you. These wellbeing tips will show you care.

Employee well-being refers to your staff’s overall physical, mental, emotional, and economic health. It is usually affected by dynamics within and outside the organization. If you are looking for ways to invest more in your employees’ welfare, you are taking a step in the right direction.

There are numerous benefits to paying attention to your staff’s health and well-being. For instance, caring for their welfare builds long-lasting relationships with them.

Hands over a wooden table

This article discusses five great ways to establish a business that invests in its employees’ well-being.

Five ways to invest in employees’ well-being

Here are ways you can show your workers that you prioritize their well-being.

1. Develop an employee reward and recognition program

An employee recognition and reward program is a unique system an employer creates to award and recognize workers for their contributions to the business. This program inspires people to work better by providing excellent perks and benefits.

Also, reward and recognition programs let your team know that you appreciate and value them for all their work and dedication. Finally, employee reward programs help you build a company culture you will be proud of.

Developing an employee reward program increases engagement and gives workers a sense of belonging. Overall, there will be a definite improvement in their well-being.

You can use schemes such as the Perkbox rewards program to show employees that you acknowledge and celebrate their hard work and encourage them to do more. Programs like Perkbox help businesses reach their staff no matter where they are in the world, thereby making them the perfect choice for remote teams.

A group of happy people looking at a laptop

2. Encourage collaborative recruitment in the workspace

Collaborative recruitment or hiring is an excellent way for companies to invest in employees’ well-being. It is a hiring and recruiting method that allows the HR team and other departments to engage in the employment procedures.

Collaborative recruitment improves a business’s hiring process and results. This means you will get the right people, and it will become easier for your current staff and new hires to relate well.

Also, allowing collaborations on any project in the workplace encourages teamwork, learning, and growth among employees. Collaborating during the hiring process reduces the stress on the HR team and others involved, thereby improving their mental health.

One great way to encourage collaborative recruitment is by creating employee referral programs. It is a strategy where employers encourage workers by rewarding them for referring qualified candidates for job openings in the company.

An excellent platform for collaborative recruitment is It is software that allows you to bring the recruiting teams together, automate hiring, and encourage teamwork.

3. Prioritize employee physical and mental health

If employees are not in excellent health, physically or mentally, it would affect their work negatively and reduce overall productivity. When it comes to the physical health of your staff, you have to ensure they are fit. Without physical fitness, employees will be prone to obesity, cancer, diabetes, and high-stress levels.

There are several ways you can encourage physical fitness in your company:

  • Provide space on-site for exercising and other physical activities

  • Give discounts to your staff at local gyms

  • Encourage competitions among employees like cycling, soccer, running, and others

  • Bring in fitness experts to teach the staff about physical fitness

  • Encourage short breaks to get employees to get up from their workspace

Apart from caring for their physical health, it would be best to promote mental health at your workplace. Mental health conditions have become one of the most common healthiness problems in the workplace, and as such, you must place much premium on the mental soundness of employees.

You should know that stress from work can trigger psychological problems like anxiety, depression, etc. In showing concern for employees’ mental health, you can do the following:

  • Measure and track each employee’s growth and development

  • Give workers enough free time to enjoy their social, personal, and family life by setting boundaries between work and home

  • Encourage workers to open up about their mental health struggles

  • Create a pleasant and safe working environment

  • Allow for meditation and time off

4. Create a positive workplace environment

The working environment you provide for your employees will show if you are concerned about their well-being or not. A positive work environment will keep workers happy and satisfied, increasing their welfare.

For instance, you can provide ergonomic chairs for staff who sit for long hours. Also, you can add standing desks to the workspace to encourage employees to get up from their chairs. The lighting, plants, spacing between desks, and other interior decors can create a comfortable work environment for your workers.

Developing a solid workplace culture, prioritizing onboarding, providing opportunities for career development, conducting regular check-ins, etc., are effective ways for creating a positive workplace environment.

5. Listen to your employees

You must give your employees a voice. This is because they will undoubtedly have great ideas to move a company forward. But if you do not listen to them, these ideas will remain with them, and your business might end up struggling to grow.

When workers know that you listen to them, they become more engaged and productive. They also feel motivated to stay on with your team. For instance, you can stop by an employee’s desk to ask them for feedback or their opinions on specific issues in the organization.

However, it would be best if you acted on this feedback and opinions; do not entirely dismiss whatever ideas employees bring to the table. Also, do not outrightly discard them even if they do not seem great.

Why investing in employees’ well-being is essential

Office workers high five.

The following are reasons to invest in employee well-being:

1. Increased employee engagement

Your employees are more likely to be engaged when you are concerned with their well-being. Staff engagement is the enthusiasm and satisfaction workers have in the workplace. It is the level of passion they have regarding your company. An engaged worker means increased productivity and output for any business.

2. Higher productivity

A physically and emotionally healthy employee will be productive. Productivity in the workplace means that a company will enjoy an improved quality of service. In addition, the staff will perform their duties more efficiently and innovatively.

Increased productivity also means your business will offer better service to customers, therefore increasing customer satisfaction.

3. Better employee retention

Workers are more likely to stay with a company if employers are interested in their well-being. This is because they will feel cared for, heard, and appreciated.

Your business stands to gain a lot from loyal employees. They will be more interested in the quality and quantity of work they produce. Staff loyalty can eventually lead to customer loyalty.

4. Attract top talent

The reputation of your business, to some level, depends on how well you pay attention to your workers. Therefore, you should know that job seekers constantly look for companies that offer exceptional staff well-being policies.

The quality of your well-being policies could either encourage or discourage job seekers. Therefore, the better the employee well-being program, the better the quality of people applying to a business.

Software that helps boost employee well-being

Perkbox screenshot

Below are five software and platforms that could help boost your employees’ well-being.

  1. Perkbox

    Perkbox is a tool that allows you to harmonize employee benefits and rewards and provide perks, discounts, and other rewards to workers. This software offers over 1,000 perks and discounts to keep your workers happy, fulfilled, and well.

  2. Wellable

    Wellable is an award-winning employee wellness software with holistic solutions that work for employers and workers. Wellable can help you improve staff experience and health by promoting healthy behaviors, enhancing company culture, and increasing productivity.

  3. Caroo

    Caroo makes modern corporate gifting easy, allowing you to recognize your employees’ hard work, appreciate clients, and offer in-office snacks. Also, you can use this platform to encourage your staff to give to charities.

  4. SnackNation

    People are happier when they eat good food and receive gifts, so you can delight your team with snacks and gift boxes from SnackNation. It does not matter if your team is remote or in-office as you can send custom-made gift boxes to them.

  5. Headspace

    Headspace ensures that your staff are in the right place mentally both in and out of work. This software helps employees catch their breath, relax their minds, and ease whatever stress they may be experiencing.

Further Reading from Skills You Need

The Skills You Need Guide to Leadership

The Skills You Need Guide to Leadership eBooks

Learn more about the skills you need to be an effective leader.

Our eBooks are ideal for new and experienced leaders and are full of easy-to-follow practical information to help you to develop your leadership skills.


This article has focused on employee well-being and the various ways you can invest in your employees and company. A business that concerns itself with the welfare of its staff will notice great results such as growth, more sales and higher staff retention, amongst other benefits. So, do not hesitate to show your staff that you care for them.

Lydia Iseh

About the Author

Lydia Iseh is a writer experienced in writing content that both provides value to the reader and transforms businesses.