6 Ways to Elevate Your
Professional Healthcare Career

See also: Compassion

Everyone working in the healthcare sector, be it a nurse, doctor, or surgeon, wishes to advance their career. However, doing so is your responsibility, so you should never get too comfortable if you have an ambition to quickly progress in your professional healthcare career. This is especially true of this sector because the healthcare industry is one of the most competitive out there. If you aren’t proactive and motivated, it’s easy to be stuck in the same position for a considerable part of your career.

Fortunately, however, there are several ways to ensure you achieve quick career progression in the healthcare industry. Here are some of them:

Healthcare workers

1. Continue with Your Education

A healthcare career can never truly come to a halt. Therefore, you need to keep advancing your formal education if you’re serious about elevating your current healthcare position. This additional training to advance your career is essential despite studying for a couple of years to qualify for your current position. If you’re passionate and motivated about your healthcare career, this is a challenge.

Luckily, there are lots of advanced degree options or certificates available to choose from. In addition, many hospitals and other healthcare providers are always encouraging their employees to advance their studies because the duties of healthcare professionals are constantly changing to meet the current dynamics.

By choosing to continue your education, you learn new skills necessary to better understand the newest best medical practices. Modern technology has made this a lot simpler because many universities offer online courses. Thanks to this, you can conveniently continue working while doing your postgraduate degree. The field of study doesn’t have to be medicine-related as you can also study many other fields. With this additional training, you’ll acquire new skills that make you eligible for a promotion to get a better job at a different healthcare provider.

2. Set Goals for Yourself

You don’t want to be stuck in your current position five or ten years later from now. But this is highly likely in the healthcare industry due to the intense competition. Therefore, you need to be proactive in everything that you do, and the best way of ensuring this is by setting goals for yourself.

Having a set goal in mind is crucial because it’s the perfect motivation to keep you focused and motivated as a healthcare professional. You should also conduct self-assessments to gauge yourself both personally and professionally. This way, you’ll get to determine the skills you don’t have and consequently undergo the necessary training to get the skills needed to progress as a healthcare professional.

3. Expand Your Network

The lone wolf approach won’t cut it if you want to advance your career as a healthcare provider. This is because getting noticed isn’t easy due to the competitive nature of the industry in general. Therefore, you should make an effort to create worthwhile traditional and online networks with like-minded individuals at all times to achieve your desired professional development goals. After all, you’ll never know whether the person you’re interacting with is the one to share valuable insights that may be critical in further progressing your career. In addition, these interactions are the perfect platform to share insights on how best to resolve upcoming issues and challenges or open job positions.

In today’s digital age, networking has further been made easier thanks to social media accounts that help you get in contact with other like-minded healthcare professionals. Some of the websites that may come in handy include:

  • AngelList
  • Indeed.com
  • NetworkWorld
  • Gust
  • LinkedIn
  • Beyond
  • Data.com Connect

Your interaction with other healthcare professionals on these online platforms and other traditional routes increases the chance of further elevating your career. So, as much as possible, put yourself out there and engage with other people.

4. Choose a Mentor

Having a mentor is necessary in order to progress as a healthcare professional and as an individual as well. The ideal mentor should be someone you admire and with desirable values experienced in the healthcare industry. With their guidance, you’ll know what you need to do and they can advise on the best career path to take.

Because it takes time to find a mentor, you should start by creating a couple of mentoring relationships with other persons who can qualify for this role. You should also find a person who’s more than willing to provide you with the career advice needed to advance your career. Fortunately, you shouldn’t have a hard time finding the perfect mentor. Most experienced healthcare professionals are always ready to share the knowledge that helps them succeed in their careers.

You shouldn’t be too critical of the advice given by your mentor as they want the best for you. Therefore, you should heed their career advice even for an activity that you know to perform the assigned duty.

5. Practice Leadership Skills

Working in the healthcare industry isn’t easy, and you need to take the initiative to realize your career progression. Performing leadership roles allows your peers perceive you to be more accountable and to turn to you whenever they need guidance. This is usually considered a sign of high IQ and maturity, increasing your chances of getting promoted to a leadership role in the healthcare institution you work in.

6. Improve Your Communication Skills

As a healthcare professional, you’ll constantly be communicating with other professionals and patients. Therefore, you need to have excellent communication skills to best express yourself. This will excite your colleagues and supervisors as it means they can go about with their roles a lot more diligently and ensure that hospital operations run smoothly. In addition, having excellent communication skills means you can address an issue effectively even when under pressure.

Further Reading from Skills You Need

The Skills You Need Guide to Interpersonal Skills eBooks.

The Skills You Need Guide to Interpersonal Skills

Develop your interpersonal skills with our series of eBooks. Learn about and improve your communication skills, tackle conflict resolution, mediate in difficult situations, and develop your emotional intelligence.


Career progression in healthcare is essential to keep you motivated and focused to diligently perform your expected roles. But accomplishing this isn’t straightforward, and you’ll need to be open-minded and put in the work, or your career will stagnate. Luckily, this won’t be the case if you implement the tips mentioned above on the different ways you can elevate your healthcare career.

About the Author

Richard Sharp is a healthcare expert. With more than 20 years of experience in the healthcare industry, Richard shares his knowledge and insights by writing guest blogs to help aspiring and established healthcare professionals. During his free time, he enjoys swimming, hiking, cycling, cooking and fishing.