How to Effectively Conduct
Pre-Employment Screening When Hiring

See also: Selecting and Recruiting Skills

In today's competitive job market, hiring the right candidate for a position is crucial for the success of any organisation. Pre-employment screening is an essential step in the hiring process that helps employers make informed decisions and mitigate potential risks associated with bringing new employees on board.

Effective pre-employment screening not only ensures that candidates are qualified for the job but also helps protect the company's reputation and assets.

In this article, we explore the importance of pre-employment screening and provide a comprehensive guide on how to conduct it effectively by using soft skills and other methods.

The Significance of Pre-Employment Screening

Pre-employment screening is the process of gathering information about a candidate's background, qualifications and history to make an informed hiring decision. While interviews and CVs provide valuable insights, they may not reveal critical details that can impact a candidate's suitability for a role.

Here are some key reasons why pre-employment screening is essential:

  • Risk Mitigation: Pre-employment screening helps identify potential risks associated with hiring a candidate, such as criminal records, fraud, or substance abuse issues. Identifying these risks in advance can save an organisation from costly legal troubles and protect its employees and customers.

  • Quality Assurance: By verifying a candidate's qualifications, work history and references, employers can ensure that they are hiring individuals with the necessary skills and experience to excel in the role.

  • Cultural Fit: Screening can also help assess a candidate's compatibility with the company's culture and values, ensuring they will be a good fit within the organisation.

  • Protecting Reputation: Hiring individuals with a history of unethical behaviour or criminal activity can tarnish a company's reputation. Effective screening can prevent such hires and safeguard the organisation's image.

  • Compliance with Regulations: Many industries and jurisdictions have specific regulations regarding employee background checks. Failing to comply with these regulations can result in legal consequences. Proper pre-employment screening ensures compliance with these rules.

Now that we understand the importance of pre-employment screening, let's delve into the steps involved in conducting it effectively.

Define Your Screening Criteria

Before starting the screening process, it's essential to define the criteria you'll use to evaluate candidates. This can include educational qualifications, work experience, specific skills and any other requirements relevant to the position. Defining clear criteria will help streamline the screening process and ensure that all candidates are evaluated consistently.

Use Effective Communication

While contacting relevant parties during pre-employment screening, good communication is key. Whether by email, phone or other contact method, fast and efficient communication will result in a quick outcome.

The best approach is to reach out via phone and follow up with their preferred method of contact.

Stay Organised

Carrying out checks on many candidates at once can be a nightmare to manage. To keep on top of everything, staying organised is an absolute must.

This can be achieved through the use of digital tools. The majority of HR departments will have these types of tools to keep things neat and tidy. They aren’t just to look at; they are extremely helpful!

Conduct Criminal Background Checks

One of the most critical aspects of pre-employment screening is conducting criminal background checks. While this step may vary depending on local laws and regulations, it is generally advisable to check for any criminal history that could pose a risk to the company or its employees. In the United Kingdom, a DBS Check is performed to review a candidate’s criminal background.

Keep in mind that you’ll need to obtain the candidate's consent before conducting such checks.

Verify Employment History and References

Contacting previous employers and checking references is crucial to validate a candidate's work history and skills. Ask for details about their job performance, reliability and any areas of improvement. Ensure that you speak to individuals who can provide unbiased feedback.

Confirm Educational Qualifications

Candidates may exaggerate or falsify their educational qualifications on their resumes. To avoid hiring someone with misleading credentials, verify their educational background with the respective institutions or credential verification services.

Assess Professional Licensing and Certifications

For positions that require specific licences or certifications, verify that the candidate holds the necessary credentials. This step is particularly important in fields such as healthcare, finance and education.

Credit Checks

Depending on the role, you may want to conduct credit checks to assess a candidate's financial stability and responsibility. Be sure to comply with legal requirements and obtain consent from the candidate before performing a credit check.

Social Media Screening

Reviewing a candidate's social media profiles can provide insights into their personality and behaviour outside of the workplace. While this should be done cautiously to avoid bias or discrimination, it can help identify potential red flags.

Drug and Alcohol Testing

In certain industries, such as transportation or manufacturing, it may be necessary to conduct drug and alcohol testing to ensure the safety of employees and the workplace. Be aware of legal requirements and privacy concerns when implementing such tests.

Assessing Cultural Fit

Consider how well a candidate aligns with your company's culture and values. Assess their interpersonal skills, communication style, and attitudes toward teamwork. This step can help reduce turnover and enhance team cohesion.

Stay Compliant with Legal Regulations

It's crucial to stay informed about federal, state and local laws governing pre-employment screening. These laws may dictate what information you can gather, how you can use it and when you must obtain a candidate's consent. Failing to comply with these regulations can lead to legal complications.

Maintain Privacy and Confidentiality

Handling sensitive candidate information requires diligence in maintaining privacy and confidentiality. Ensure that only authorised personnel have access to this information and that it is securely stored and disposed of when no longer needed.

Use Reliable Screening Services

Consider outsourcing parts of the pre-employment screening process to reputable screening agencies. These agencies have the expertise and resources to conduct thorough background checks and provide reliable information.

Further Reading from Skills You Need

The Skills You Need Guide to Leadership

The Skills You Need Guide to Leadership eBooks

Learn more about the skills you need to be an effective leader.

Our eBooks are ideal for new and experienced leaders and are full of easy-to-follow practical information to help you to develop your leadership skills.


Pre-employment screening is a critical step in the hiring process that helps organisations make informed decisions while minimising risks and protecting their reputation. By following the steps outlined in this guide, employers can conduct effective pre-employment screening and ensure that they bring in the right candidates for their teams.

Remember that the goal of screening is not to exclude candidates but to make sure that the individuals you hire align with your company's values and goals while minimising potential risks.

In today's competitive job market, effective pre-employment screening is an investment in the long-term success and stability of your organisation.

About the Author

Matthew is part of the marketing team at Eurocom CI. He specialises in creating content on topics relating to pre-employment screening and is known for his high attention to detail.