Skills and Tools You Need
to Be a Better Angular Developer

See also: Careers in Information Technology

Long ago, mastery of a single technical skill for a technical job practically guaranteed a stable and rewarding career.

However, with the paradigm shift in technology, developers require much more than their favorite programming skills.

This is particularly true if you're planning to become an Angular developer. Knowledge of Angular framework and HTML alone won't be sufficient. Employers require much more, and they find ways to gauge a candidate's skill set.

In a quest to hire qualified and best-fit candidates, companies leave no stone unturned. Some conduct a hiring test for Angular devs, while others may conduct two-three rounds of technical interviews to gauge a candidate's capabilities.

Using these tests, companies screen potential candidates for the skills they're looking for. Such a test can help employers understand a candidate's knowledge of various Angular components, services, and RxJs.

If you have an upcoming Angular developer test or an interview, mastery of these skills can make you a marketable candidate for a job role.

Skills and Tools You Need to Be a Better Angular Developer

Here are a few skills to master to become a better Angular developer:

Proficiency in Angular Framework

It's nearly impossible to be an excellent Angular developer without a solid understanding of the Angular framework. As Angular framework is a vast concept comprising different parts, mastery of it can take a lot of time.

However, the good news is that you can start building valuable applications by knowing the basics of the Angular framework.

Every Angular application or website you develop requires forms, components, services, and modules. The ability to add content to these components can help build a fully featured production application.

After learning the basics, don't stop the learning process and create practical and functional applications.


When creating single-page applications (SPA), knowledge of the Angular framework is essential for building fast and functional websites.

Creating user interfaces using CSS and HTML is equally essential if rendering these applications in a browser. HTML or Hypertext markup language helps describe the structure of a web page.

Tiles spelling HTML

CSS or cascading style sheet decides how to display HTML elements and is responsible for styling various web pages. Though you don't require in-depth knowledge of these two languages, having a basic understanding will help you create functional websites.

Apart from HTML and CSS, knowledge of web markup allows developers to appreciate the positioning and interaction of elements such as UX concepts.


One of the primary languages for Angular website development is Typescript, a superset of JavaScript. While most client-side web applications use JavaScript, Angular development includes support for Typescript.

This is because Typescript reduces bugs and enhances the ability to work to create highly functional websites. Additionally, Typescript gives you the power to grow and evolve your applications and web pages based on the customer's changing requirements.

Knowledge of Typescript provides benefits of strong typing and ensures you use variables and functions according to their usage. Proficiency in Typescript can help manage large web projects because it provides a much better framework.

When applying for an Angular developer's role, study the difference between Typescript and JavaScript to stand a better chance of getting hired for a desirable job.


Reactive Extension for JavaScript is a library for reactive programming that provides a wide range of operations and operators. Knowledge of RxJS allows you to create applications using a reactive approach.

Having proficiency in Angular website development helps in creating observable data streams. With the help of RxJS, developers can handle AJAX requests and responses.

Interestingly, the Angular framework uses observables and other features of RxJS to provide a consistent API. It helps in listening and responding to user input events. It also helps in making HTTP requests for data. Often, employers prefer hiring candidates who have extensive proficiency and knowledge of using RxJS.

Familiarity with RESTful API integration

A developer requires extensive knowledge of the application program interface (API) widely used in HTTPS requests.

It allows you to GET, POST, PUT and DELETE. Having experience in REST API enables these professionals to reach the API documentation and use it effectively.

Female writing 'USE APIs' on a whiteboard.

Knowledge of using REST and API can help you expand your Angular development based on the project's requirements. Also, familiarity with RESTful API is essential because it provides the Angular developer a great deal of flexibility.


NPM or Node Package Manager is an essential tool required for a successful career as an Angular developer. Apart from using node.js, Angular developers widely use the NPM tool to install thousands of client-side web development packages like Angular.

Also, NPM is a JavaScript package manager that helps run JavaScript outside the web browser. Knowledge and proficiency in NPM allow developers to control their project's dependencies.

So, it's essential to understand how to install NPM packages, including the non-angular packages, and use the commands for developing functional and valuable websites.

Excellent knowledge of using NPM can differentiate you from other candidates with similar work experience and educational qualifications.

Angular CLI

Angular CLI or Command Line Interface tools help an Angular developer initialize, develop, and maintain Angular applications from a command shell.

Angular CLI helps Angular developers by reducing the process of writing codes to configure new applications.

However, the advantage of CLI extends far beyond the creation of a new application. You can use it to add new components, modules, and services to an already existing application.

This can prevent a lot of typing while ensuring you follow Angular coding guidelines.

Knowledge of CLI reduces hours of head-scratching frustration of typing every line of code.

Time Management

An angular developer might work under stringent deadlines. Usually, these professionals have a well-defined time frame for every application development phase.

Assessing the time required to fulfill each phase from the start of the development is essential for a desirable job. Time management skills help you complete all required phases on time.

Often, employers prefer candidates who can allocate their time correctly to accomplish tasks efficiently.

Successful time management skills include organization, goal setting, planning, prioritization, delegation, stress management, and flexibility. Having an organized list of tasks works as a map to guide you to complete work and increase workplace productivity.

Communication Skills

To develop websites and applications using the Angular framework, developers regularly interact with their team members. Often, they interact with different stakeholders to understand a client's requirements.

A part of their workday involves creating documentation and manuals during various stages of the development process.

So, employers prefer candidates with strong written and verbal communication skills because they can express themselves with confidence and clarity.

Many employers stress the importance of communication skills because poor communication can prove costlier than coding errors.

Miscommunication leads to mistakes and can diminish client relationships and delay projects. Angular developers must improve their nonverbal communication, active listening, and stress management.

Testing and Debugging

Testing and debugging is essential for Angular developers because it tests the viability and functionality of the code they develop. So, it's essential to find and fix bugs through the testing and debugging process.

An Angular developer may perform functional and unit tests to understand if a piece of code performs the same function as it's intended to do. Many Angular developers debug their code while writing it to ensure better functionality during the testing stage.

Often, testing and debugging are fundamental requirements, and employers prefer candidates who can remove errors from the code and develop an effective process for doing the same.

The knowledge of using commonly used testing frameworks like Mochajs, Karma, and Jasmine can add more value to an Angular developer's resume.


Lack of empathy during the coding process can result in legacy web development that is difficult to alter and work with. Empathy is understanding and being extremely sensitive to the experiences of others.

For a technical role like Angular developer, employers prefer empathetic employees because it helps build stronger human connections with teammates.

At every stage of the project, an Angular developer requires empathy. They use this skill set to gather a project's requirements and build maintainable code.

The ability to write codes that other developers can understand without any help is an empathetic behavior essential for this job role. Empathy allows a developer to write cleaner codes with proper documentation.

Practicing empathy in the workplace can help you become a superhero for your team and users.


With the growing requirement of dynamic web applications, the demand for Angular developers is likely to increase.

As Angular is one of the fastest, most reliable, and popular frameworks for cross-platform front-end development, an Angular developer requires a specific skill set.

Gaining mastery over some or all of these 11 skills can be the difference between a good and excellent Angular developer.

Focus on honing and improving your skills because the sky can be the growth limit when it comes to Angular development.

Priya Jain

About the Author

Priya Jain is a professional copywriter with 8 years of experience. She has an MBA and engineering degree. When she is not writing, you will find her teaching math, spending her day running behind her toddler, and trying new recipes. You can follow her on LinkedIn and Twitter.